Monday 27 January 2014

An education...

A blog. I never thought I would ever start my own blog. Because who will want to read what I have to say anyway? Plenty of people, hopefully.

I don't have many talents. My dad was a talented man. He could speak seven languages and would have been fairly fluent in Ancient Greek and Latin had he someone to converse with. He could draw and paint, he could play anything on the piano just by listening to it. He was a mean cook and he was the most educated man I ever knew. And he was a good man. And my dad. And I miss him... Anyway, as you might have guessed, I didn't get any of my dad's talents. But I have passions... I am passionate about animals. Dancing. I love dancing. and, as it turns out, pop culture. Especially movies.

I am not going to claim that I am one of those cinephiles that has watched all of Akira Korosawa's films, which I no doubt should. Or that I can give you a semiological analysis of Hitchcock's "Rear Window". I'm more of a contemporary sort of film lover. I love big explosions, axes and bows, crime solving and above all, I love good acting. And actors.

I know a lot about actors. I know their names. I know their ages. I know the films they have starred in. Where they come from... their stories. And if I don't know, I make damn sure I learn. I watch films while scrolling through IMDb and Wikipedia. And I learn. And it stays with me. Forever. I never forget.
And this is what this blog is going to be about. My passion. Actors. Films... I am going to share all of that with everyone who cares to read about it. In a very "everyday" manner. Obviously, I do not know everything. But I learn. I learn fast. And if anyone ever cares to share an opinion, I am more than willing to read about it. So I can learn some more.

So, here it goes... Let the games begin. And may the odds be ever in my favour!!!!

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