Monday 7 April 2014

The stuff that my dreams are made of...

I reckon that a lot of people I talk to about movies pity my shallowness. I guess it's hard for them to understand how a well-educated, intelligent, mature 25 year-old (or 35, for those who know me) can claim films like The Avengers and The Lord of the Rings as her favourites. For them, fantasy and sci-fi is childish, meaningless and fake. Having just written and re-read that phrase, I think I pity them more. These types of films are, partly, what allows me to stay in touch with my long lost childhood that I so naively threw away. Magic, spaceships, super heroes, miracles, dragons!!! I believe these are what's missing from everyone's life!!

How can you not like dragons???

Still, that is not to say that I do not appreciate other types of films as well. Serious films. Films that deal with the human condition, with people, with love, hate, wars, families, values. Well known, star-studded films like Doubt, The Shawshank Redemption, Dead Man Walking, Lions for Lambs, 12 Angry Men and The Help. Or not so successful or popular films such as My Sister's Keeper, Under the Tuscan Sun, A Family Thing and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Or not so serious, such as Welcome to Collinwood and The Truth about Cats and Dogs.

So different and yet so superb...!!

To me, if the story doesn't take you to a land far far away, then it has to make you feel. It has to make you smile or cry, think or wonder, hope or despair because if it does not make your blood flow a little faster then what is the point? To borrow and ever so slightly twist Colin Firth's character's heart-wrenching words in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, if a film does not stir your soul then "it has not made it's mark".

After doing a bit of research on my very long list of favourite films, I have come to realise that so many of them are based on true events. Older films like All the President's MenInherit the WindLorenzo's OilJFK Newer films, such as Mrs. Henderson Presents, Vera DrakeRushAn Education, Frost/Nixon and Shattered Glass. And Oscar winning films, old or new, like Schindler's ListThe Wolf of Wall Street, Dallas Buyers Club, The King's Speech and Amadeus. Some stay truer to the real life events they are based on and some take a few extra liberties. There have been films that have caused minor or major uproars because of the loose use of the term "based on a true story" but I don't mind that. I just view it as a poem on screen and grant the creator artistic license.


There are of course, other genres that I have not even touched upon yet. Comedies, love stories, horror films, mysteries. Zoolander and The Full Monty. Silver Linings Playbook and One Day. World War Z and Hostel. Zodiac and Shutter Island. All of the films mentioned above are, in my heart and mind, brilliant. They have something to offer to the viewer. They have depth, they have style, they have excellent performances. And I like them all. So, I suppose I am a bit twisted in that way.

It's impossible to narrow down the list. It's endless. I guess Jimmy Kimmel had an epiphany when he decided to incorporate all of Hollywood into one movie.

Not sure if it would work, though...